Itinerary & Destination Details 
Thursday, November 10
3:00–4:00PM: Vogue Knitting Registration at the Royal Sonesta
5:00PM–6:00PM: Welcome reception and Opening Presentation by Rowan.
6:30PM–8:30PM: Dinner off property. The group will walk to a nearby restaurant.   
Friday, November 11
7:00AM-8:30AM: Breakfast 
8:30AM–12:00PM: Knitting and Purling the Norwegian Way Workshop with Arne and Carlos
12:00PM–2:00PM: Lunch at the hotel
2:00PM–5:00PM: Free time to explore New Orleans; group tour TBD
6:00PM–9:00PM: Dinner off property. The group will walk to nearby restaurant.  
Saturday, November 12
7:00AM-8:30AM: Breakfast 
8:30AM–12:00PM: Norwegian Stranded Colour Work Knitting Workshop with Arne and Carlos
12:00PM–1:30PM: Lunch at the hotel
1:30PM–5:00PM: Layered Colourwork Knitting with Arne and Carlos
6:00PM–9:00PM: Closing reception and dinner at the hotel -- presentation by Keenan Goldsmith, What I Learned from the Knitting Community. Plus Show Off Your Favorite Knitted or Crocheted Finished Object (wear your favorite Rowan piece -- or any other piece! -- to dinner and talk to us about it!)
Sunday, November 13
7:00AM-9:00AM: Breakfast 
9:00AM: Check Out