How many students should I expect to stop by more store?
It's really hard to know how many will attend the event and how many will stop by your store. This is a new venture for us in a time of uncertainty, but we are getting feedback from our community that they are looking for activities to occupy their time, and they want to support our industry.
What is the schedule over the 5 days of the event, January 14–17, 2021?
Classes will be held three times a day (10AM–12PM, 2PM–4PM, and 7PM–9PM Eastern) and lectures will be held twice a day (12:30–1:30 PM and 4:30PM–5:30PM Eastern).
One-hour vendor live shop slots will be available every day starting at 10:00 AM–7:00 PM Eastern.
All classes, lecutres, vendor live shop times and marketplace extras will be held in Eastern Time.
How many students will be in each class and lecture?
We have room for 15 to 30 students per class and a few hundred for each lecture.
Will any of these class be recorded?
No, they will be all live! We want to encourage community engagement during this time.
Can I offer discounts in my virtual room?
Yes, you can run your virtual room the way you would run your booth at our show. You can offer discounts, conduct interviews, run trunk shows, etc. We ask that you do not run any classes, as that would compete with ours.
Will I have to sign anything?
We do a have a contract for you to sign to protect you and to protect us. Once you fill out the application, we will send over a contract for your review.
What if something technical goes wrong with my virtual room; can you help me?
We will have a technician on staff, however, if you are using your own software and your own account, there is only so much we can do. If you are unable to figure out your difficulties and want to reschedule your time slot for later in the week, we will do our best to work with you to find an opening.
What if a customer is making other customers uncomfortable, what do I do?
If you are using your own software, you should have the option of removing someone from your room. We of course ask that you use discretion doing this and report the incident to us immediately. We want everyone to feel comfortable, so if you think it is necessary, please go ahead and remove them. We just ask that you let the student know before doing it in a private chat message. All attendees, teachers, sponsors, and vendors must adhere to the code of conduct. Please review the code of conduct here.