Virtual Knitting LIVE! is introducing a new vending opportunity: The Super Pass Vendor Program!
Attendees are asking for more content and more shopping hours. At this upcoming November event we are offering this exclusive opportunity to a limited number of vendors.
The Super Pass Vendor Program Includes:
* Your own featured vendor page on the Virtual Knitting LIVE! site
- Featuring 4 images of your chosen products (products must be offered at a discounted price for attendees)
- Direct link to the featured products on your own site
- A listing of your shopping time slots
Visit here for an example of a Featured Vendor Page.
* An exclusive day of demonstrations and shopping for Super Pass vendors and attendees only, on the Wednesday of Virtual Knitting LIVE! The Super Pass Demonstration Stage will feature vendor demonstrations! Each vendor will get 2 half-hour demonstration slots.
- The more creative you are with your demonstrations = more eyeballs! Maybe you do a dyeing demo, a pom-pom making demo, or a quick DIY project! PLUS the opportunity to sell during this time. (Please note: in order to be a Super Pass Vendor you must prepare demonstrations.)
* Opportunity to offer two products of your choosing in the Wheel of Fiber Raffle Room! Contestants win raffle prizes by spinning a virtual wheel.
* A dedicated social media post on Virtual Knitting LIVE’s Instagram page (shared with 8 other participating vendors)
* Prime logo placement via email, social media, and a dedicated page on the Virtual Knitting LIVE! website
Pricing: $199 (the price is in addition to the $150 vending fee); this experience is only available to those who are already committed to vending. Spots are limited.
Attendee Access: Attendees will pay an additional $4.99 to upgrade from General Access Marketplace (the Super Pass Experience will only be $2.99 for those who have already purchased a class, lecture or package).
Feedback: We would also appreciate any feedback you have. We are creating this experience based on the feedback we have received from attendees and vendors. We are always looking for ways to improve our events, so would love to get your thoughts!