Beyond Brioche Basics (NEW!)
Date & Time
Sunday, November 5, 2017, 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Session Type:
3-Hour Class
Skill Level:
Andrea Mowry
Tips & Techniques
Class Details:
In this class we will begin playing around with what makes brioche so special. When working brioche in two colors, a whole new world of color play is opened up to you! Discover how to blend colors and add depth through contrast. We will also discuss using different fibers and weights together to really mix things up. We will learn how to increase and decrease in brioche, and how it goes far beyond just shaping your fabric, to create the appearance of intricate cables and lace. It is important that students who sign up for this class are already comfortable with the brioche knit and brioche purl stitches. Take one of the introductory brioche classes before taking this one! Technique Requirements: Basic brioche comfort
Supplies to Bring:
Two colors worsted weight yarn. US 7/4.5 mm or US 8/5 mm circular needle with a 24"/40 cm cord. One locking stitch marker. Pen or pencil to take notes.