Born in Uganda, Karima left with her family as a refugee at the age of three, making her way to Ephrata, Pennsylvania (Amish country!). She learned to sew from her mom as a child and quickly started making her own patterns. When she moved to New York City to attend NYU, she found sewing machines and small New York City apartments do not mix. Looking for a more portable and social hobby, she picked up knitting needles thirty years ago and has not put them down since. She is easily distracted by new hobbies and shiny, sparkling, pretty yarn. She also dabbles in embroidery, sewing, drawing, painting, needle felting, weaving, and any other craft put in front of her. She has published patterns on Ravelry and
She is co-creator, with Sue Hunter, of the Straphangers Lounge, which is a textile-based New York City subway car and platform installation. It incorporates the art, historical objects, and nostalgia of the subway rendered in textiles. The Straphangers Lounge offers a space to sit, daydream, and knit (just like on the real subway!). It is an homage to the mobile museum that is the NYC subway.