Full Name
Carson Demers
Teacher Bio
By day, Carson is a physical therapist who runs an ergonomics program for a San Francisco Bay Area medical center. Every other moment, he’s knitting, spinning, designing, teaching, or otherwise up to some fiber fun with a watchful eye toward ergonomics. His passion and experience in fiber arts combine with his expertise in physical therapy and ergonomics to create a unique skill set that he eagerly shares with the fiber community at local yarn shops, guilds, and major knitting events across the country. His aim is to keep us all creating healthfully and comfortably ever after. Carson is the author of Knitting Comfortably, the Ergonomics of Handknitting, and articles in several fiber related publications.
Speaking At
Will This Yarn Hurt My Hands? The Ergonomics and Mechanics of Yarn (NEW!) - CANCELED
Continental Knitting with Comfort and Efficiency (NEW!) - CANCELED
The Ergonomics of Knitting Needles: Choosing the Right Needle for Your Project and Comfort (NEW!) (Part 1 of 2) - CANCELED
The Ergonomics of Knitting Needles: Choosing the Right Needle for Your Project and Comfort (NEW!) (Part 2 of 2) - CANCELED
Will This Yarn Hurt My Hands? The Ergonomics and Mechanics of Yarn (NEW!) - CANCELED
The Ergonomic Efficiency of English-Style Knitting (aka “Throwing”) (NEW!) - CANCELED
Continental Knitting with Comfort and Efficiency (NEW!) - CANCELED
The Ergonomics of Knitting Needles: Choosing the Right Needle for Your Project and Comfort (NEW!) (Part 1 of 2) - CANCELED
The Ergonomics of Knitting Needles: Choosing the Right Needle for Your Project and Comfort (NEW!) (Part 2 of 2) - CANCELED
Will This Yarn Hurt My Hands? The Ergonomics and Mechanics of Yarn (NEW!) - CANCELED
The Ergonomic Efficiency of English-Style Knitting (aka “Throwing”) (NEW!) - CANCELED