Colorwork Games (NEW!)
Friday, January 26, 2024
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Session Type:
3-Hour Class
Skill Level:
Xandy Peters
Design, Inspiration
Class Details:

If you love playing with geometry and want to combine your fiber arts with some fun math puzzles and games, this class is made for you! The class begins with an introduction to tiled patterns. We’ll look at Truchet tiles and learn how to use rotational symmetry to turn a simple group of tiles into varied designs. Students will have chance to cut out, fill in, and play with their own tile sets. Once we’ve made some fun patterns with simple tiles, we’ll move on to edge matched tiling. These tile sets are used to create random patterns that look seamless (think of randomly generated maps in video games). These tile sets are surprisingly easy to create, and we will go over various strategies for creating edge matched tiles. Students will have time in class to create their own colorwork tile sets on paper and explore the possibilities. At the end of class, students can share their colorwork designs.

Technique Requirements: knit/purl, easy colorwork, beginner crochet, knit, crochet, and quilter friendly



Supplies to Bring:

Graph paper. A pencil or erasable pen. At least 2-3 colored pencils. Students will work on paper during class but are encouraged to bring 2 colors of yarn or 16 to 25 half-square triangles *just in case* they feel like working with textiles.