Brioche Building Blocks (Part 1 of 2)
Friday, January 26, 2024
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Session Type:
3-Hour Class
Skill Level:
Patty Lyons
Knitting, Tips & Techniques
Class Details:

This is a two-part class. Both sections of the class will automatically be placed in your cart when you select one of the sessions.

Have you long admired brioche but haven’t taken the leap? Or have you worked brioche for years, but have trouble reading your knitting or fixing mistakes? Let Patty break it down in a way that makes it simple! We will start from the building blocks of brioche—the brioche knit and purl. By building off of regular rib we will learn to recognize our brioche stitches, what makes them different, and how to read our knitting. After starting by working through a one-color sampler to get comfortable with the motions, we’ll kick it up to two colors. If time allows, we will explore working in the round.

As always, Patty will teach brioche for both Continental (picking), English (throwing), as well as what you need to do for Combination knitting. She’ll even demo it backward just to get your mind swimming. By the time you finish class you’ll be ready to take on your first project. Want to learn more? Everyone in class will get a discount code to Patty’s video class that works through four brioche patterns.

Technique Requirements: Should know how to knit, purl, cast on, bind off.


With the darker color, on circular needle CO 17 stitches. Work 5 rows in k1, p1 rib as follows:
1 (RS): K1 *p1, k1; rep to end of row
2 (WS): *p1, k1; rep to last st of row, p1
Repeat rows 1 & 2 one more time, then repeat row 1, ending having finished a RS row.

Supplies to Bring:

Yarn: Any smooth DK- to worsted-weight yarn, one in a light color, second ball of a contrasting color yarn

Needle: Should be one size smaller than recommended for your yarn. We will be working flat and in the round. Needle length will vary depending on your circular needle preference.
     Magic loop: 36” circular needle or longer for flat and in the round
     Two circs: 24” circular needle for flat and a second 24” circular for in the round
     DPN or Flexi Tip: 24” circular needle for flat and dpn or flexi tip for working in the round