Beyond Basic Sock Skills
Sunday, November 13, 2022
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Session Type:
2-Hour Class
Skill Level:
Lara Neel
Accessories, Knitting, Tips & Techniques
Class Details:

In this class, take your sock knitting skills to the next level, or just enjoy knitting socks the way you like to faster, easier, and with more consistent results. This class covers techniques for both toe-up and cuff-down socks and is best for students who have knit at least one pair of socks in the past. We will discuss:

- How to work the “new” ssk.
- Three ways to increase, m1L, m1R and m1P. How they play well together and when to use them.
- How to work the “Extra Needle” cast on, the easiest, fastest provisional cast on, ever.
- Learn two ways to start toe-up socks.
- Work Jeny’s Stretchy Cast Off, using either a knitting needle or a crochet hook.
- Pick up stitches from gussets with confidence, every time.
- Learn to long-tail cast on, in ribbing.


Cast on 24 stitches and work stockinette stitch back and forth (not in the round) for 4 rows.

Supplies for Class:

For the class, use any yarn you want and appropriate-sized needles.