Sarah Solomon is a knitwear designer, writer, and teacher based in New York City. In addition to her self-published patterns, her designs and articles have appeared in Interweave Knits, Knitscene, knit.wear, Wool Studio, PomPom Quarterly, and Vogue Knitting, and in collections by Manos del Uruguay, Woolfolk, Kelbourne Woolens, and mYak. As someone who learned to knit as an adult, she still remembers the frustrations of the learning process and loves helping people to improve their knitting skills and explore new techniques. She enjoys teaching traditional techniques of all kinds, including cables, colorwork, and twisted-stitch knitting, as well as modern garment construction with a particular emphasis on details and fine finishing. She teaches regularly at Purl Soho and Annie & Co in New York City, as well as at retreats and knitting events around the country. Sarah is also an avid sewer and spinner and loves handwork in many forms. In her design work, she focuses on creating garments and accessories from exceptional yarns, grounded in tradition but suited for modern life, that are knittable, wearable, and designed to last. Follow her work on Instagram at @intothewool and at