Grab Bag of Easy and Impressive Lace Stitch Patterns (EXCLUSIVE!)
Date & Time
Friday, March 24, 2017, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Session Type:
3-Hour Class
Skill Level:
Advanced Beginner
Brooke Nico
Lace, Inspiration
Class Details:
Technique Requirements: Knit/purl; cast on/bind off; increase/decrease Description: In knitting there are only 2 stitches, the knit stitch and the purl stitch. However, by manipulating these stitches in a variety of ways, we can come up with an amazing variety of fabrics! In this class, you’ll learn several super easy stitches to create wonderfully complex looking fabrics. Amaze your friends with a lace scarf, with no counting or charts. Learn about stitch repeats, and how to convert your favorite stockinette stitch sweater to include a simple, yet fascinating, lace pattern. Learn several new varieties of rib stitches as well.
Supplies for Class:
Smooth, light-colored wool (2 or 3 colors); appropriate needles; stitch markers